Setting Up Transfer Notifications via Line
Line has an account called Line Notify that we can set up to automatically send us various messages.
1. Add Line Notify
Add Line Notify as a friend, otherwise we won’t be able to receive any messages.
You can add by scanning the QR Code shown in the image (which comes from
2. Access Token
Enable connection by creating an Access Token. Before we can send messages to Line, we need to create a code to verify that it’s really from us and not someone else trying to send messages.
The standard method is to create a secret code and input this value into our website. When sending messages, Line will check if this code matches.
This code is called an Access Token. Here’s how to create it:
2.1 Go to and click the login link
2.2 Enter User / Password
2.3 Go to the My Page menu and click the Generate token button to create an access code
2.4 Set the name for this notification sender (in the image, we used Payment Notification). Select which Line group to add notifications to, then click Generate token
2.5 The system will generate a Token code. Copy this to use in the Seed Confirm Pro plugin settings page
Note: For organizations that separate accounting and shipping departments, it’s recommended to create 2 sets of Tokens in steps 2-5, to separate order information and shipping information.
3. Add Token on Settings
Configure Line settings for Seed Confirm Pro by going to the admin panel, menu Confirm Logs (Payment Notification) → Settings. Enter the Tokens for both cases. If there are shared administrators, you can use just one Token.
4. Test Order
Test the ordering process by selecting bank transfer payment.
4.1 When someone submits a payment notification, the system will send a Line message to the verification group along with a link
4.2 Click the link to go to the WooCommerce admin panel and update the order status from Checking Payment to Processing
4.3 When the status changes to Processing, the system will send product information via Line to the shipping Token
The product details include SKU, product name, and quantity, along with shipping information
Once the product is shipped, click the link to update the shipping status and optionally add a message to the customer with tracking information.